Krishnapur, Adisaptagram, Hoogly, West BengalUttrayan Fish Fair
Jan,2019Address: | Adisaptagram, Saptagram, West Bengal 712502 |
How to go: | Take local train from Howrah section and get down in Adisaptagram. Get toto from there and mention Fish fair ground. It will take around 15 min max and it cost around 15 rs. |
Pros: | Very interesting and unique subject, pocket friendly outing |
Cons: | Dust inside the fair ground |
What to visit ? | The fish fair itself, Shri Raghunath Das Goswami temple |
Company: | Friends, family |
Minimum day/time to visit: | 1 day (4 hours max) |
Locality: | Village |
Expenses: | 150 rs may be.. very nominal... |
More Information: | The story behind Around 500 years back, in Krishnarampur village, a jamindar named Gobardhan Das used to live. Raghunath Das, the son of Gobardhan Das was the greatest disciple of Nityananda Mahaprabhu since his childhood. That's why he left home at the age of 15 to connect Nityananda Mahaprabhu. He came back after few years by converting himself as Raghunath Das Goswami. Where several baishnava in the same village failed to connect Mahaprabhu even after accomplishing him for several years, they told Raghunath Das to feed them Hilsha fish and Mango pickle if he truly connected Mahaprabhu. It was really a big chalenge for him to feed them fish being baishnava. But as he was honest and truly connected with Mahaprabhu, he invited the baishnava villagers and arranged the feast for all of them. Timing and opportunity Morning : 9 am onward the fair gets started into the ground. obviously in morning the fishes remains fresh and the energy gets high to all the fish sellers as well as visitors. In morning you can try fresh date juice which is really good for health. If you are going for a picnic around the place then I must say it's gonna be a great day for you as you can buy several fishes against low cost to use various purpose. Afternoon : Afternoon time is best for visiting the place as the folk performance starts that time and held all day long inside the temple complex. In afternoon, you will get instant fried fish from the fair ground. Suppose you don't want to but and bring the fish to home, you can buy the fried one and have it there. Variety of items You will get surprised to see the side and variety of fishes like Bhethki, Gurjali, Rui, Katla, Sankar, Rupchada, Chital, Bhola and many more. Apart from fishes the items are pretty general like all other fairs. But I will recommend to try some food and sweets from the shops which are coming from Tribani or Kuntighat. Points to remember
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Sandhya Baral
Posted on: 7th Jan, 2020Fish mela at adi saptogram nath das goswami temple.when and where mela started.pl give me information.
Shouvik Mukherjee
Posted on: 15th Jan, 2020Tomorrow morning, I want to go there. I stay at Birati. How should I reach there? Please guide. This time I don't want to miss the fish fair.