Cinnamon Bittern

Byatarayana Doddi Kere, Karnataka

An absolutely stunning bittern found mostly near by waterbody full of Hyacinth plants or hanging on reeds beside pond or lakes for fish. The usp of this bird is it's cinnamon color body feather which can be identified from far. Its eyes pattern is peculiar amd like other bittens it stares straight to any object. First time in my life I have seen this bittern in Ambika Kalna in West Bengal, after that i have seen it few times but was unable to capture for many reason. But my search was not over yet. Recently I found it in Byatarayana Doddi Kere in Karnataka. And I was so happy to see this bird which was not very shy but gave sufficient amount of time to capture it. You can check out the video as well Cinnamon Bittern video
